
  • 548 Shotwell St San Francisco CA 94110, United States - Mission
    Bagged and loose garbage at the curb
  • 559 Shotwell St San Francisco CA 94110, United States - Mission
    A toilet. A freaking toilet left on the sidewalk by some careless reprobate. Other loose garbage in the area as well.
  • 554 Shotwell St San Francisco CA 94110, United States - Mission
    Some utility company worker strung a thin, black wire from a wooden utility pole (on the west side of the 500 block of Shotwell) down to the street tree in front of my house, and wrapped it (tightly) around the trunk of the street tree I planted 20 years ago. I have no idea what utility this wire contains...cable? Landline telephone service? Electrical power? Who does this? The wire needs to be removed from the tree, and either clipped or looped up above, along with the dozens and dozens of other lines (all of which should be rerouted underground, like on Capp Street). Potential fire hazard, needs to be addressed right away.
  • 559 Shotwell St San Francisco CA 94110, United States - Mission
    A bunch of trash strewn all over the place Middle of the 500 block, east side, right in front of the SFFD station
  • Encampment W archiwum
    559 Shotwell St San Francisco CA 94110, United States - Mission
    Large tent / cluster of tents obstructing sidewalk and prohibiting safe passage, especially for people in wheelchairs or with strollers or walkers or sight impairments, forcing them to walk into the street. This is a legal violation of the Americans with Disabilities Act, for which the City of San Francisco can (and should) be sued. Further, encampment has potential to obstruct fire and police personnel from responding to emergencies, and is also spewing syringes, feces, urine, and un-contained food into the public sphere, presenting a clear public health risk. The entire area is now a vector for disease, illness, and rodents.
  • Graffiti W archiwum
    559 Shotwell St San Francisco CA 94110, United States - Mission
    Graffiti covering wall owned (and presumably maintained) by the City of San Francisco. The wall of SFFD Station 7 along Shotwell Street between 19th and 20th has been artlessly defiled by local vermin (who apparently are in love with someone named Sally). Request immediate action by the City to clean up this mess that, if it were left on the walls of a private citizen’s house or business they would be fined and potentially have a lien placed on their property. Graffiti has been in place for the past year and is being added to weekly.
  • Encampment W archiwum
    401–457 Shotwell St San Francisco CA 94110, United States - Mission
    Large tent / cluster of tents obstructing sidewalk and prohibiting safe passage, especially for people in wheelchairs or with strollers or walkers or sight impairments, forcing them to walk into the street. This is a legal violation of the Americans with Disabilities Act, for which the City of San Francisco can (and should) be sued. Further, encampment has potential to obstruct fire and police personnel from responding to emergencies, and is also spewing syringes, feces, urine, and un-contained food into the public sphere, presenting a clear public health risk. The entire area is now a vector for disease, illness, and rodents.
  • 3239–3249 19th St San Francisco CA 94110, United States - Mission
    Just a huge pile of garbage, blocking the storm drain at the SE corner of Shotwell and 19th
  • 559 Shotwell St San Francisco CA 94110, United States - Mission
    Loose debris on 500 block of shotwell street middle of block on east side (no fixed address but near what would be 551 if numbered) Right in front of SFFD No 7,,
  • Encampment W archiwum
    583 Shotwell St San Francisco CA 94110, United States - Mission
    This has got to go There was a report of a man with a machete from this camp on Friday Stolen bikes, ADA sidewalk violation, filth, feces, etc get this off my block
  • 3322–3348 20th St San Francisco CA 94110, United States - Mission
    Loose and bagged garbage plus broken glass all over the sidewalk, north east corner of shotwell & 20th streets
  • Encampment W archiwum
    3267 19th St San Francisco CA 94110, United States - Mission
    Large tent / cluster of tents obstructing sidewalk and prohibiting safe passage, especially for people in wheelchairs or with strollers or walkers or sight impairments, forcing them to walk into the street. This is a legal violation of the Americans with Disabilities Act, for which the City of San Francisco can (and should) be sued. Further, encampment has potential to obstruct fire and police personnel from responding to emergencies, and is also spewing syringes, feces, urine, and un-contained food into the public sphere, presenting a clear public health risk. The entire area is now a vector for disease, illness, and rodents.
  • 3257 19th St San Francisco CA 94110, United States - Mission
    Large tent / cluster of tents obstructing sidewalk and prohibiting safe passage, especially for people in wheelchairs or with strollers or walkers or sight impairments, forcing them to walk into the street. This is a legal violation of the Americans with Disabilities Act, for which the City of San Francisco can (and should) be sued. Further, encampment has potential to obstruct fire and police personnel from responding to emergencies, and is also spewing syringes, feces, urine, and un-contained food into the public sphere, presenting a clear public health risk. The entire area is now a vector for disease, illness, and rodents.
  • Graffiti W archiwum
    559 Shotwell St San Francisco CA 94110, United States - Mission
    Graffiti covering wall owned (and presumably maintained) by the City of San Francisco. The wall of SFFD Station 7 along Shotwell Street between 19th and 20th has been artlessly defiled by local vermin (who apparently are in love with someone named Sally). Request immediate action by the City to clean up this mess that, if it were left on the walls of a private citizen’s house or business they would be fined and potentially have a lien placed on their property. Graffiti has been in place for the past 6 months and is being added to weekly.
  • 583 Shotwell St San Francisco CA 94110, United States - Mission
    Trash bags splitting open, spewing loose garbage all over the place Full bags of trash are left here every week possibly part of street cleanup efforts, but they stay put for days bursting open and attracting more garbage as people see this as a legitimate dumping place Please improve your efforts if this is the case. this situation happens every week Note that problem is at the northeast corner of Shotwell and 20th, on 20th, next to utility box ..,,
  • Encampment W archiwum
    3056 22nd St San Francisco CA 94110, United States - Mission
    Large tent blocking the entire sidewalk
  • 790 Shotwell St San Francisco CA 94110, United States - Mission
    Sidewalk completely blocked by tent in violation of ADA law
  • 401–599 Treat Ave San Francisco CA 94110, United States - Mission
    Sidewalk completely blocked by large tent. Requisite filth, debris, drug paraphernalia, feces, etc. abounds. Unacceptable.
  • Encampment W archiwum
    401–599 Treat Ave San Francisco CA 94110, United States - Mission
    Sidewalk completely blocked by large tent Requisite filth, debris drug paraphernalia,, feces, etc abounds Unacceptable
  • 401–457 Shotwell St San Francisco CA 94110, United States - Mission

    I'm re-submitting this per your instructions, as it has been closed by "Administrative Closure," and yet nothing has been done to restore order to the area. I'm submitting here under "Sidewalk Cleaning" but will re-submit under "Encampment" as well, as this area has been a disgusting mess for years. See original report below.

    Street or Sidewalk Cleaning ▶ Closed
    401–457 Shotwell St San Francisco CA 94110



    Issue ID: 14319957
    Submitted To: SF311
    Category: Street or Sidewalk Cleaning
    Viewed: 2 times
    Neighborhood: Mission
    Reported: on 04/05/2023
    Service Request ID: 16633583
    Sidewalk made impassable by illegal homeless encampments. The sidewalk on Shotwell between 18th and 19th streets is no longer usable as a public thoroughfare due to the amount of tents, trash, needles, and human filth occupying the right of way. Passage by disabled persons is impossible, in direct violation of the Americans with Disabilities Act, for which the City of San Francisco can (and should) be sued.Encampment has been present and growing for the past 6 months. Please clear at once.

    ACKNOWLEDGED SF311 (Verified Official)
    Your request to SF311 has been received. A service request ID has not yet been assigned.
    04/05/2023 · Flag

    SF311 (Verified Official)
    Your service request has been assigned ID #16633583 (
    04/05/2023 · Flag

    CLOSED SF311 (Verified Official)
    Your service request (#16633583) has been closed.

    Notes: Administrative Closure. HSOC - Administrative Closure. Please resubmit with a picture (from a safe distance) if the encampment persists.

    04/28/2023 · Flag